カテゴリー : education & research

The Economist (Feb. 15th, 2014): The parable of Argentina

The Economist (Feb. 15th, 2014): The parable of Argentina

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100年前に経済的繁栄を見せていたアルゼンチンのお話しをよく耳にする中で、The Economistが特集記事(LeadersBriefing)を組んでくれました。ノーベル賞学者Simon Kuznetsによる「世界には四種類の国がある、新興国、発展途上国、日本そしてアルゼンチンである」との発言がその特集記事で触れられていますが、さて、その日本の今後は大丈夫でしょうか…?



The Economist (Feb. 8th, 2014): The worldwide wobble

The Economist (Feb. 8th, 2014): The worldwide wobble

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  • Free exchange: “Massive open online forces”—The rise of online instruction will upend the economics of higher education
  • Assortative mating: “Sex, brains and inequality”—How sexual equality increases the gap between rich and poor households
  • Sexual selection: “Hot wheels”—A new study suggests a link between cyclists’ looks and their performance


The Economist (Feb. 1st, 2014): The triumph of Vladimir Putin

The Economist (Feb. 1st, 2014): The triumph of Vladimir Putin

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  • Japanese politics: “The odd couple”—Rows are breaking out inside the governing coalition
  • Class in America: “Mobility, measured”—America is no less socially mobile than it was a generation ago
    米国における階層間の移動について。以前ほどAmerican Dreamsを実現できなくなっているようです。
  • Teaching mathematics: “Time for a ceasefire”—Technology and fresh ideas are replacing classroom drill—and helping pupils to learn
  • Obituary: Claudio Abbado, conductor, died on January 20th, aged 80


The Economist (Jan. 18th, 2014): Coming to an office near you

The Economist (Jan. 18th, 2014): Coming to an office near you

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  • Technology and jobs: “Coming to an office near you”—The effect of today’s technology on tomorrow’s jobs will be immense—and no country is ready for it
  • The future of jobs: “The onrushing wave”—Previous technological innovation has always delivered more long-run employment, not less. But things can change
  • Special report on Tech startups: “A Cambrian moment”—Cheap and ubiquitous building blocks for digital products and services have caused an explosion in startups. Ludwig Siegele weighs its significance
    技術系ベンチャー企業についての特集記事。特にアクセラレータの存在は大きいように思います(Accelerators: “Getting up to speed”—The biggest professional-training system you have never heard of)。APACで中国、韓国、オーストラリアは挙げられているのに、日本には存在しないのかい…
  • Google: “The new GE: Google, everywhere”—With a string of deals the internet giant has positioned itself to become a big inventor, and reinventor, of hardware
  • Business education: “Build it and they may come”—Management schools are on a building spree. That is a risk for some


The Economist (Jan. 11th, 2014): The $9 trillion sale

The Economist (Jan. 25th, 2014): Multinationals China loses its allure

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  • Privatisation: “The $9 trillion sale”—Governments should launch a new wave of privatisations, this time centred on property
  • State-owned assets: “Setting out the store”—Advanced countries have been slow to sell or make better use of their assets. They are missing a big opportunity
  • Privatisation in Greece: “Hellishly Hellenic”—The problems and promise of state holdings
  • France’s economic woes: “Can François do a Gerhard?”—The president is talking reform. It is in his interest, and his country’s, that he should carry it out
    かつてのGerhard Schröderを見習って、フランスも経済立て直しの一手を打つことができるかどうか。そのようなことを言っている間に、右派(極右)の台頭も気になるところです(そして日本でも)。
  • Drug legalisation: “Of bongs and bureaucrats”—How to tax and regulate marijuana
  • Marijuana legalisation: “High time”—Colorado embarks on an unprecedented experiment
  • Jewishness: “Who is a Jew?”—Competing answers to an increasingly pressing question
  • Biomedical research budgets: “The party’s over”—But if you want to go to the after-party, it’s in Asia
  • Academic publishing: “No peeking…”—A publishing giant goes after the authors of its journals’ papers


The Economist (Jan. 4th, 2014): Europe’s Tea Parties

The Economist (Jan. 4th, 2014): Europe’s Tea Parties

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  • Schumpeter: Bringing home the bacon—Tiny Denmark is an agricultural superpower
  • Acoustic sensing: The ear underground—How fibre-optic cables can work like microphones
  • Academic research: The useful science?—Economics is highly parochial

選択 2014年1月号

選択 2014年 1月号のページ

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201312Al Jazeera

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The Economist (Nov. 16th, 2013): Every step you take

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The Economist (Nov. 9th, 2013): Great Britain, Little England

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