The Economist (Jan. 11th, 2014): The $9 trillion sale

The Economist (Jan. 25th, 2014): Multinationals China loses its allure

Pickups / ピックアップ

  • Privatisation: “The $9 trillion sale”—Governments should launch a new wave of privatisations, this time centred on property
  • State-owned assets: “Setting out the store”—Advanced countries have been slow to sell or make better use of their assets. They are missing a big opportunity
  • Privatisation in Greece: “Hellishly Hellenic”—The problems and promise of state holdings
  • France’s economic woes: “Can François do a Gerhard?”—The president is talking reform. It is in his interest, and his country’s, that he should carry it out
    かつてのGerhard Schröderを見習って、フランスも経済立て直しの一手を打つことができるかどうか。そのようなことを言っている間に、右派(極右)の台頭も気になるところです(そして日本でも)。
  • Drug legalisation: “Of bongs and bureaucrats”—How to tax and regulate marijuana
  • Marijuana legalisation: “High time”—Colorado embarks on an unprecedented experiment
  • Jewishness: “Who is a Jew?”—Competing answers to an increasingly pressing question
  • Biomedical research budgets: “The party’s over”—But if you want to go to the after-party, it’s in Asia
  • Academic publishing: “No peeking…”—A publishing giant goes after the authors of its journals’ papers