- 2014 2/15
- 投稿者 : KAKEHI Kazuhiko
- 2014 2/15
- 投稿者 : KAKEHI Kazuhiko
Pickups / ピックアップ
- Technology and jobs: “Coming to an office near you”—The effect of today’s technology on tomorrow’s jobs will be immense—and no country is ready for it
- The future of jobs: “The onrushing wave”—Previous technological innovation has always delivered more long-run employment, not less. But things can change
- Special report on Tech startups: “A Cambrian moment”—Cheap and ubiquitous building blocks for digital products and services have caused an explosion in startups. Ludwig Siegele weighs its significance
技術系ベンチャー企業についての特集記事。特にアクセラレータの存在は大きいように思います(Accelerators: “Getting up to speed”—The biggest professional-training system you have never heard of)。APACで中国、韓国、オーストラリアは挙げられているのに、日本には存在しないのかい…
- Google: “The new GE: Google, everywhere”—With a string of deals the internet giant has positioned itself to become a big inventor, and reinventor, of hardware
- Business education: “Build it and they may come”—Management schools are on a building spree. That is a risk for some
- 2014 1/4
- 投稿者 : KAKEHI Kazuhiko
Pickups / ピックアップ
- 2013 12/27
- 投稿者 : KAKEHI Kazuhiko
Pickups / ピックアップ
- 森永卓郎さんが、「インフレに備えよ」とのメッセージ。土地の値段も上がりつつあり、経済的に成功した人とそうでない人との間での資産格差がさらに拡大する事になるのでは、という内容(うろ覚え)。
- 1960年、池田勇人内閣が所得倍増計画を閣議決定。
- 遠藤功さんが、「見えないところも綺麗にする会社」としてサンドビック日本工場を紹介。この5S(整理、整頓、清掃、清潔、躾)によって日本工場閉鎖を撤回させ、また見えないところにも展開していくというお話しは、書籍などでも触れられている(藤井裕幸さん著「究める力」)。なかなかアンテナを張ることができていない話題に触れてくれるという点では、竹原信夫さんの「日本一明るい経済新聞」も要注目(専らNHKラジオ第一で耳にするばかりですが)。
- 1898年、キュリー夫妻によってラジウム発見の報告がなされた
- 1956年、シベリア最後の引き揚げ船が日本に帰港
- 1968年、アポロ 8号が人類初の有人月周回ミッションを行なった。
- 2013 12/12
- 投稿者 : KAKEHI Kazuhiko
Pickups / ピックアップ
- 2013 11/11
- 投稿者 : KAKEHI Kazuhiko
Pick-ups / ピックアップ
- Britain: “Little England or Great Britain?”—The country faces a choice between comfortable isolation and bracing openness. Go for openness
- Britain: “Turning inward”—Britain has lost its global swagger. It needs to abandon its separatist dreams and rediscover its open, trading heritage, says Joel Budd
- The future: “Great Britain or Little England?”—Fingers crossed that the country will choose wisely
- Race and immigration: “A new kind of ghetto”—Britain no longer has a serious race problem. The trouble is isolation
人種による「差別」(discrimination)ではなく、階層?による「隔絶」(isolation)の問題について。米国での指摘(チャールズ・マレー著/橘明美訳、「階級「断絶」社会アメリカ―― 新上流と新下流の出現」、草思社2013年)が英国でも当てはまる、ということか?
- Devolution: “The centrifuge”—Even if Scotland votes to stay in the United Kingdom, the union is fraying
- Cities: “The vacuum cleaners”—Led by London, big cities are sucking up talent, jobs and investment from everywhere else. Good
- The global economy: “The perils of falling inflation”—In both America and Europe central bankers should be pushing prices upwards
- Inflation: “The price is a blight”—The rich world, and especially the euro zone, risks harmfully low inflation
- Free exchange: “Renouncing stable prices”—A promise of higher inflation from central banks might spur the recovery—if it is believed
- Dirty money: “Mistrust the trusts”—The crackdown on shell companies is a good start. The next target should be trusts
- Trusts: “The weak link”—Cleaning up trusts and similar entities will hurt money-launderers—but it will need a lot of political will
信託制度のお話し。Shell companies同様で節税(税回避)や情報隠蔽に使われているのでは、とのこと。この次にくるのは宗教法人か。
- Civil wars: “How to stop the fighting, sometimes”—Bringing an end to conflicts within states is vexatious. But history provides a guide to the ways that work best
- Defining conflicts: “What makes it a war?”—Some say killing 25 people a year is enough, others suggest 1,000
- Banyan: “Spokes and hubbub”—America is infuriated by the incessant squabbles between Japan and South Korea
日韓の関係について、The Economistでも記事に
- Uighurs and security: “Tightening the screws”—Deaths in Tiananmen Square unnerve leaders before a crucial gathering
- Direct democracy: “Drugs, taxes and GMOs”—The week’s key ballot measures
- The Los Angeles aqueduct: “A hundred years of soggy tubes”—California’s largest city salutes the source of its growth
- Education: “On your marks”—States are starting to test teachers
- Religion and the constitution: “Priests and potholes”—A dispute over public prayer reaches the Supreme Court
- Lexington: “Forget the huddled masses”—Treating immigrants as a charity case is not working: time to change course
- Carbon emissions: “Out of puff”
- Drafting constitutions: “Mix and match”—Countries change their constitutions often. There’s an app for that
世界平均に比べ、日本は憲法の長寿のようです。ちなみにこの英国誌によると、寿命(life expectancy)は19年ほどで、Thomas Jeffersonの予想(?)と同じとのこと。
- Consultancy firms: “Strategic moves”—Big consulting and accounting firms are making a risky move into strategy work
- German carmakers: “Stuck in third”—Daimler is set to keep chugging down the Autobahn behind BMW and Audi
- Schumpeter: “The honne and the tatemae”—Big business in Japan publicly supports Abenomics while being privately wary
- Buttonwood: “Where will the boot land next?”—Investors and companies struggle with the arbitrary nature of new taxes and regulations
- Digital banking: “Third time lucky”—Banks that have no branches are making a surprising resurgence
- SAC Capital: “No winners”—A hedge fund, but not its boss, admits insider-trading charges
- Internet security: “Besieged”—Stung by revelations of ubiquitous surveillance and compromised software, the internet’s engineers and programmers ponder how to fight back
- The first world war: “Avoidable brutality”—The Great War was the product of choices—bad ones
- Alan Greenspan and America’s economy: “Casino capitalism”—A jumbled and confused account of the financial crisis
- 2013 11/9
- 投稿者 : KAKEHI Kazuhiko
- 2013 11/2
- 投稿者 : KAKEHI Kazuhiko
- 2013 10/20
- 投稿者 : KAKEHI Kazuhiko