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(C) 2002-2004
Kazuhiko KAKEHI

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[Top] [WRSC2003] [Nara] ["Thank You"] [Family jpn] [TAOCP jpn] [Car jpn]

"Thank-You Glueck-Sensei" Party

Taken in December 2003.

Already four years has passed since Prof. Robert Glueck, a well-known researcher on program transformation, started to research with us in Tokyo. Coming close to his departure from Japan, we held "Thank-You Glueck-Sensei" Party on Dec 20, 2003 at a sukiyaki restaurant in Shinjuku.

Though some planned members were absent due to cold (Prof. Futamura, for example), eleven colleagues (including me) gathered to express our sincere thanks for his long stay and to have a joyful time together.

**NEW!** I added a link to the page by Glueck-sensei.

This is the photo taken at the restaurant.

members  members' names
(click the left picture to enlarge)

Members --- 1: Ms. Ino (Futamura-Lab secretary), 2: Mr. Kawabe (Futamura-Lab grad. student), 3: ``Glueck-sensei'' (our guest!), 4: Mr. S.-C. Mu (IPL researcher), 5: Ms Ikenaga (Futamura-Lab graduate), 6: Kakehi (IPL), 7. Mr. Konishi (Futamura-Lab lecturer), 8: Mr. Yamana (Futamura-Lab grad. student), 9: Mr. Shiino (Futamura-Lab graduate), 10: Mr. Watanabe (Futamura-Lab graduate), 11: Mr. Kawada (Futamura-Lab graudate), 12: Mr. Takeuchi (Futamura-Lab grad. student)

First written: one day in December 2003 
Final revision: Apr 6, 2005, 12:24:26 JST